That moment when you see all your fellow POC alumni of Florida State University who are all about "anti-racism" in every other space they find themselves throughout their lives, but during football season, anti racism is apparently put on stand by. Folks, I hope it feels good to be repping your garnet and gold and them t-shirts with the "Seminole" circle logo, yeah the same style image used when scalping Native folks for a bounty was legal. Do you all really still do the "tomahawk chop" or refer to yourselves as "´Noles"? I really hope I don´t see any of you painting your faces red or wearing wigs and fake headdresses. Seriously. I know the arguments.... "its all in fun" , "harmless", or the Seminoles (Tribe of Fl Inc) said it was okay back in 2005. I´ve heard them all, along with the insults, spits and threats at the foot ball games protesting with AIM or the answering machine of the American Indian Student Union. Are Native students still .04% of the student body at FSU? Are there still no Native faculty or studies program at FSU? No Native Languages taught? Oh yes, how could I forget, but the mascot is to HONOR the Seminole people. Funny, how the saying is "The Unconquered" it really should be #divideandconquer. All I can say is that in my five years in Tallahassee I only met two Seminole students, one from Oklahoma and one from Immokalee. The rest of you???... i really don´t know WTF you all think you are, but anti-racist isn´t it. #notyourmascot #aisualumni #decolonize #floridastateuniversity #fsu #fsuaisu
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